Experience a night of ghost hunting at Merley House in Wimborne. Dorset with Ghost Hunt Events. What to Expect Our team of experienced investigators will be on hand throughout the night so that you can participate in: - Vigils (in the dark) - EVP (Ghost Voice) Experiments - Ouija boards / Glass Divination - Automatic writing, Dowsing and Pendulums - Table tilting & rapping - Use of our ghost hunting equipment and much more with our experienced Mediums & Paranormal ...
 A Spiritual Day event held at our very own Merley House, Wimborne, Dorset. With doors opening at 9am, there are 5 speakers throughout the day... Schedule: 9.30 - 10.30am - Soul Flow | Karen Mayne (This is an outside so bring anything you may require; mat, blanket, etc) 10.45 - 11.30am - Empowered Holistics | Emma Sullivan 11.30 - 12.30pm - Ascension Astrology | Lexie Wrightson 12.30 - 1.30pm - Lunch Break 1.30 - 2.45pm - Dream Alchemy | ...
Join Dark Encounters as we open a new Casebook on this location and document the paranormal activity within. You will get fully involved in the investigation throughout the night; using equipment, setting up experiments and recording your results. All findings are then recorded in the Casebook of investigations from over the past 20 years. Through the whole evening your small team will have exclusive access to the building as we document your experiences. Book tickets